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The theory was developed in 1979 by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson, and is based on routine activity theory, a main theory of environmental criminology. The theory states that a crime occurs when a motivated offender, a suitable target, and the absence of a capable guardian all come together in time and space. (IACP, 2023)
Need former law officers and a current Texas Master Peace Officer's perspective of the "The State's" theory and Law Enforcement's Investigation processes.
- Were Investigative leads missed?
- Was all information and evidence disclosed?
Sometimes "The State" hasn't interviewed everybody connected to the case. Sometimes a follow up interview was never conducted after new evidence was discovered or re-examined.
Witness Statements and Police Reports can be examined to better understand what actually happen, develop leads to missing discovery, or exculpatory information/evidence. These statements can be either audio or written
Our Digital Forensics Professionals can uncover important evidence in civil or criminal cases. In our hyper connected world often "The State" overlooks digital evidence or fails to thoroughly examine all the available digital evidence.
Capital murder cases are among the most serious and complex in the criminal justice system. It involves a type of homicide that includes one of more aggravating factors, such as the victim being a peace officer, the murder occurring during the commission of certain felonies, or the victim being a child under 10 years of age. Detailed examination of all evidence, including police reports, forensic evidence, and witness statements is vital to a successful defense
These criminal defense investigations are intricate and sensitive, requiring a thorough and methodical approach. Detailed examination of all evidence, including police reports, forensic evidence, and witness statements is vital. The truth is critical considering the sensitive nature of the allegations and statute of limitations. A "shy" investigator will not help your client.
The 'Praxis Team' is networked across the region, state, and nation should the an investigation require additional specialized investigators and forensic consultants.
Allegation: Murder
Supported Criminal Defense Team with:
- locating and reinterviewing witness
- interviewing defendant
- advising on firearms mechanics and malfunctions
- statements examinations (police reports, witness statements, body worn camera review, etc.)
- mobile device forensics
- social media forensics
Child Custody Case
Supported Plaintiff Team with:
- Due Diligence Investigation of Presiding District Judge (Campaign Finance Fraud Concerns Uncovered)
- Due Diligence Investigation of Opposing Council (IRS and Shell Company Concerns Uncovered)
- Due Diligence Investigation of Opposing Party (Money Laundering and International Concerns Uncovered)
Allegation: Solicitation of Minor
Supported Defense Team with:
- Conducted Mobile Device Forensics
- Developed working hypothesis of Law Enforcement Cyber Operations conducted against defendant (Plausible Concerns of Entrapment)
- Case Review
Allegation: Possession of Child Pornography
Support Defense Council with:
- Discovery Review (Brady & Morton concerns uncovered)
- Digital Forensic Evidence Review (Uncovered concerns about improper evidence handling and security)
- Due Diligence into Police Detective's training and education
- Consult of Use of Force, Arrest, Search, & Seizure
- Supported Defense Council with Jury & Expert witnesses 'Voire Dire' and cross examination.
Allegation: Murder
Allegation: Possession of Narcotics
Supported Defense Council with:
- Body Worn Camera (BWC) video forensics
- Examine police process of Terry Frisk, Arrest, Search, & Seizure
- Discovery Review (Brady & Morton concerns uncovered)
Allegation: Possession of Child Porn
Allegation: Molestation of Minor
Allegation: Aggravated Sexual Assault
Supported Criminal Defense Team with Mobile Device Forensics and Case Review
Allegation: Molestation of Minor
Supported Defense Council with Computer Forensics and Case Review
Allegation: Intoxication Manslaughter
Allegations: Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon x3 & Felon in possession of firearm
Supported Criminal Defense Council with:
- Mobile Device Forensics
- Interviewing the client
- Consulting on the Use of Force
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Investigations & Consulting